Thursday, September 27, 2012

Battle Roads is HERE!!!

During this time of year, battle roads goes around the us to see who the best players of america will be this year and ive been following it on youtube. ive seen some intense matches and here is just some of what i have seen

also go to youtube and subscribe to:

Pokemon tcg: Rayquaza Eels deck profile 9.27.12

you can find it in the link below bc it didnt want to work for me uploading it. it is my favorite deck for the format and i have been playing it in tournaments for a month or so.

PTCG: The Dragon Archetype

On August 15th 2012, Dragons Exalted was released. It introduced a new type of pokemon to the game that has been waiting for its own type for a very long time. Dragons have been played for many years, but they were always normal or a type that was their dual type. Dragons in this new set have not been given their own type of energy as of yet, but continue to evolve. The main dragons of the set were Garchomp, and Rayquaza EX.
dragons are continuing to be released in packs from now on and will be a very strong type in the game. the list for dragons exalted can be found in the following link
the newest pack to be released will be plasma gale and that has not yet had a set release date. it will include Victini EX Cobalion EX Articuno EX and Lugia EX. the set looks to be very good and I hope to see it soon.


I have been playing the pokemon tcg for a little under 2 years and have never seen a format like this. if you like yugioh as the fast paced game it is and are looking for a little variety in card games, go to POKEMON. the new format has speed up the game to 2 prize card knockouts and much more damage. cards such as mewtwo, darkrai, and rayquaza have turned the game into a bloodsport.:] therefore i have also chosen to write about the pokemon tcg and what it has become.
 i suggest the game to people of all ages :] enjoy!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

YCS Guatemala

In the month of September, 2012 YCS Guatemala took place, giving Angel Flores his 3rd YCS victory in the game. He ran a deck that everyone knew was coming and he had some tough matchups but overall finished first with his HERO deck. Behind him was the new and innovative Geargia deck, and then the rest of top 4 was dino rabbits. 

Angel Flores

Angel Flores (Mexico) is now a three-time YCS Champion!

He is our new ycs champion!!
His Deck build:
2x Maxx C
2x Thunder King Rai Oh
3x Elemental HERO Neos Alius
1x Elemental HERO Stratos
2x Card Car D
1x Crusader of endymion
2x Fossil Dyna Pachicephalo
1x Honest
1x Gorz the emmissary of Darkness
1x Neo Spacian Grand mole

2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x E Emergency Call
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
3x Gemini Spark
2x Miracle Fusion
2x Pot of Duality
1x Dark Hole

2x Starlight Road
2x Solemn Warning
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Mirror Force
2x Dimmensional Prison
1x Hero Blast

Friday, September 14, 2012

Deck Of The Week: Heroes

Elemental HERO variants have been around for a long time and in the last few formats, cards such as Elemental HERO The Shining, Absolute Zero, and several other cards have made this deck a force to be reckoned with. There are many Hero variants that have topped YCS, but the main variant that i've found useful to me was Hero stun.

To get an idea of what the original deck was, to what it has became, here is the link to the yugioh wiki site on Elemental HERO's

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This site is for Advanced, and Beginner players of the game of Yu-Gi-Oh! in this website we will discuss what our team thinks to be the best, the worst, and the rest of the format. My name is CJ of TeamBrainsTrust and I have been an avid Yu-Gi-Oh! player for several years and hope to do the game justice. Thanks for visiting the page!!